Bookseller Catalogs

Ephemera Fair 35

By Eclectibles

Ephemera Fair 35 A sampling of the ephemera, children's books, historical memorabilia, works by hand, albums and journals, collections and archives. For this event we are also featuring "true" Victoriana.

California International Book Fair 2015

By Eclectibles

California International Book Fair 2015 A sampling of the ephemera, children's books, historical memorabilia, works by hand, collections and archives we will be exhibiting at the California International Book Fair.


By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

Seashells Books and prints related to shell collecting, conchology, and malacology.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF.

Catalog 165

By Schulson Autographs, Ltd.

Catalog 165 Schulson Autographs is pleased to offer Catalog 165, digital only, composed of 21 items including Paul Ehrlich ALS, substantive scientific content, early Virginia Woolf ALS, Hans Christian Andersen ALS giving writing advice.

A Selection of Poetry

By Johnson Rare Books & Archives

A Selection of Poetry A selection of 35 volumes of poetry and verse. Highlights include a copy of Anne Sexton’s To Bedlam and Part Way Back that belonged to her confidant and lover, the psychiatrist Anne Wilder; the exquisite fine press printing of B.H. Fairchild’s poem Beauty by The Blackbird Press; a presentation copy of Robert Pinsky’s The Figured Wheel, inscribed to Farrar Straus, and Giroux publisher Jonathan Galassi; and the exceedingly scarce first book by Stella Knight Ruess, mother of the writer, artist, and explorer Everett Ruess and an accomplished poet and artist in her own right.

How to request a print version: Send your request to to receive a print version.

First Blush: Virgin and Vice

By Little Sages Books

First Blush: Virgin and Vice “Do you attribute the girls’ fall mostly to drink, to love of dress, or what?”/ “To none of these causes so much as to bad companionship, and the want of resolution to say ‘No.”

Women's Rights, Sex Work Legislation, Social Work.
Early Rescuers, Red Light Abatement and Odes, to Flesh in this grouping of Letters and Pamphlets.

How to request a print version: Please write to or call 954 536 1329 to request any and all catalogs

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